Monday, July 15, 2013

San Diego Comic Con!

Gallery 1988 went ahead and announced my signing time at the San Diego Comic Con this year. On Saturday, July 20th, 1pm-2:30pm at booth #1117, I'll be signing my latest two prints!

"a11 work and no play" is 12x36, 5 colors(gold metallic), printed on black paper, run of 100 and will cost $50.

"all work and no play" is 12x36, 5 colors(red and green metallics),  run of 100 and will cost $50.

There will also be a mystery print, sold at booth #1117 on Sunday, July 21st at 10am! Above is a little peek at that... I'm really stoked on this mystery print, can't wait for the full reveal!

I also have lots of progress pics and thoughts to share about the creation of the new work. I'll get into that in later blog posts once I can devote the proper amount of time to them. 

See you at the show!


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