Tuesday, April 9, 2013

big ole' update!

Poking my head out of from the top of my mountain of work to give an update on a few of the plates I have spinning.

First off, printing took a bit longer than expected, but "it's a dinosaur". "the ancient one" and their assorted free handbills are all printed up and being shipped to me for signing, numbering, sketching and shipping! Here's are some swell pictures I got of the finished products straight from the printer:

So, once I have those on hand, I'll start rolling and shipping them out right away. I'd like to wait until I'm back home to work on sketches and silhouettes though. Drawing on the dining room table at this condo isn't ideal and my back starts to spasm after about an hour or so. Speaking of "back home"...

My house is also coming along nicely. All of the insides are dry, wiring that needed replacing is replaced, new flooring is being delivered today, drywall is hung and being finished and the painters have started treating the downstairs ceiling that got water damaged... if everything goes well and no HGTV style disasters come up, the family and I ought to be back home by the end of the month, first the first time in nearly six months.

My wife and I, well, mostly my wife, spent tons of time researching the best places to get quality building materials on the cheap. Thanks to her, we managed to get all sorts of stuff more suited to our tastes and remain on budget. It'll be like a whole new house once we are finally able to move back. So, there is a bright side to it all, even if the cost was some more gray hairs and a couple years off my life :)

Also, another giant thanks to everyone who picked up "it's a dinosaur" and "the ancient one"... this whole ordeal would not have been manageable without all of your help.

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